Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Finally a finished project- or two!

At last I have something other than cupcakes to show you lol!

Firstly some cushions I made for my friend's brother, after a bit of a struggle I was finally happy with them. Unfortunately he had to wait awhile for them due to me not being able to get the correct fabric. When I did get the fabric I then had trouble sewing it as it was a bit thick for my machine, this problem was solved when I was shown how to adjust the tension on my machine. Throw in a power cut for another delay, but he finally got them last weekend.

Last night whilst at my sewing class I managed to finish my table cloth. I'm going for a bit of a Cath Kidston type style in my kitchen/diner. When I bought the flowered fabric, in the centre, I didn't know what I was going to make (I just liked it) so when I came to make the table cloth I didn't have enough to do the last corner. This is why I ended up with 2 plain pink corners. I had decided to add the corners so that I could save money by buying less of the checked fabric so luckily my wonderful mam came to the rescue with the plain pink fabric from her extensive stash. I then simply finished the edges with a pale blue bias binding.

Mr T kindly holding it up for me to photograph.

The dresser you can see it the background of some of the pictures will hopefully be my next project, just trying to decide on which paint to use.

Thanks for reading.
Mrs T xxx

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

I must stop posting about cupcakes.....

I'm not obsessed- honest! On Saturday I went to Cake-a-Licious across in Cullercoats for a cupcake decorating class. I had a fab day and learnt lots of little tricks for making cupcakes without having to buy lots expensive equipment and tools. I have so many ideas now that I can't wait to try out.

I used the butterfly to cover the slight mistake I made.
All boxed up ready for home.
Would love to say this was mine- but its not lol!
Think I might give it a go  when feeling confident!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Easter Weekend

Hello again just thought I'd share with you my wonderful Easter weekend.

On Friday morning my mum and I went to South Causey Inn for a wedding fair. Mr T and I are getting married there in May next year so I wanted to take my mum to show her what it could look like when set up for a wedding. We will be married in their new purpose built room which is at the back of the pub, I had been to an open day last year when it was set up as a wedding but mum had only seen it while they were still busy building it. Seeing it all set up made me feel very excited and mum loved it too!!

Friday night I made some Easter baskets to put sweets in for my nieces- they don't eat a lot of chocolate so I got them a small chocolate egg and then filled the baskets with their favourite sweets. I used a basket from a bought chocolate egg as a template then covered them in green card.

Basket for oldest niece

Basket for youngest niece

They loved them as well as their chocolate eggs and outfits I gave them- my youngest niece (who will be 2 at the end of the month) actually squealed when she opened them lol! They are so easily pleased at this age.

On Saturday my oldest niece wanted to make Easter baskets and cakes, so I used the same template as above for them and she decorated them with Easter stickers. We added a handle then made cakes to put in them and wrapped them in cellophane. She definitely has the crafting bug and loves drawing and making things.
Work in progress
Ta Da!!

All done!

Monday saw us back to South Causey for a horse show where my brother and oldest niece were showing their horses. My brother got a 2nd and a 4th place with his horse and my niece got 2nd place for young handler's and a 1st for her fancy dress!!!! We were so very proud she is only 5 and this was her first attempt at young handler. Her fancy dress was made by my mum- she was Noddy and the horse was the car- I must add mum was up until 3am the night before completing the costume so was over the moon with 1st place.

Hope you enjoy reading- see you soon!

Mrs T

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Mother's Day Treats

It was my wonderful Mum who first introduced me to the world of blogging so I thought I would use her to inspire my first post by sharing my Mother's Day present with you.

In the box are some yummy cakes (Rocky Road and Banana Caramel) which she had to share with my niece. In the pink tissue paper are some Molten Brown hand-wash and hand lotion. It's sort of become a tradition that I buy Mum daffodils for Mother's Day- last year I pinched her vase so I could arrange them and then decorated the vase with a coordinating ribbon.

The pink cakes in the front are the ones I helped my older niece make for her Mum- we also presented these in a box and although I say it myself they looked rather professional. My niece loves making cakes and the fact these were pink with purple butterflies made her love them even more.

This picture is the mix for the rocky road cakes- you take the cake mix and split it into 3 adding cocoa to 1 mix and pink colouring to another and leave the last one as it was. You put a spoonful of each into the cake cases and then swirl them around. Unfortunately you couldn't see the pink in the finished cakes- don't think I added enough colouring.

The banana caramel mix.

Fresh out of the oven- Mr T thinks they smell good and I have to stop him from eating them!!!

Well hope you liked my first proper post, hopefully I'll be back soon.

Mrs T x

Thursday, 29 March 2012

At last I did I started my blog!!!!! I have been reading a few different blogs for a while now and I've been thinking about starting my own- now I finally have the time so no more excuses. I plan on using this space to share my hand made items and hopefully it will encourage me to make the hundreds of projects I have lying around.