Sunday 1 April 2012

Mother's Day Treats

It was my wonderful Mum who first introduced me to the world of blogging so I thought I would use her to inspire my first post by sharing my Mother's Day present with you.

In the box are some yummy cakes (Rocky Road and Banana Caramel) which she had to share with my niece. In the pink tissue paper are some Molten Brown hand-wash and hand lotion. It's sort of become a tradition that I buy Mum daffodils for Mother's Day- last year I pinched her vase so I could arrange them and then decorated the vase with a coordinating ribbon.

The pink cakes in the front are the ones I helped my older niece make for her Mum- we also presented these in a box and although I say it myself they looked rather professional. My niece loves making cakes and the fact these were pink with purple butterflies made her love them even more.

This picture is the mix for the rocky road cakes- you take the cake mix and split it into 3 adding cocoa to 1 mix and pink colouring to another and leave the last one as it was. You put a spoonful of each into the cake cases and then swirl them around. Unfortunately you couldn't see the pink in the finished cakes- don't think I added enough colouring.

The banana caramel mix.

Fresh out of the oven- Mr T thinks they smell good and I have to stop him from eating them!!!

Well hope you liked my first proper post, hopefully I'll be back soon.

Mrs T x

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